As Christians, we are invited to live a Temple Life. A With-God life. I am passionate about the healing and wholeness found there. This Kingdom Life is an invitation to trust Jesus not just for our eternal destiny, but for an inheritance lived in the Here and now, in the "land of the living" (Psalm 27).
We are containers, Abiding in Jesus and Jesus abiding in us. But how often does our reality reflect that? What percent of our daily moments feel lived in His presence and favor? How many of us criticize and curse our containers? How many of us use them more as ornaments than instruments? How many see them as obstacles instead of vehicles ? Struggle to feel God's presence in the middle of the coming and going and haste of days? I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant" John 15:5 (Message) "Jesus sculpts a new garden of Eden in their imaginations--one that is bursting with fruit, sustenance, and satisfying aromas. This is the Kingdom life. It is all about connection, sustenance , and beauty. But within this promise of life is the warming that people must be in Christ or they will not experience these blessings." ( Excerpt from the VOICE commentary on John 15) |
For so many, this quality of life, this well-being, this fullness, this abundance is forfeited to our external attachments: Perfectionism, performance, relational insecurity, self loathing, approval seeking, busy as a lifestyle, anxiety as default, hurry as autopilot, insatiable comfort acquisition, people-pleasing...
St. Augustine said "God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them."
Yoga literally means union. Yoking. Holy Yoga is about yoking ourselves to Jesus in such ways that it disrupts those attachments, clears your mind of clutter, and makes space for our heart to be filled by the Spirit. Empties our hands and readies us for the things our Good Father wants to give.
The practice of yoga is like a cultivating prayer space. Experience the Lord space. Get in your body and find peace space. Feel a homecoming like never before space.
It provides a threshold into the unseen parts of yourself - a diverted path from our lists, need-to-do's, compulsions... and to a cleared sightline to the Lord.
Yoga is simply preparation for prayer. It is stilling your water, unplugging from auto pilot compulsions, readying yourself to move from the external world to the internal world where you can spend time with Jesus.
St. Augustine said "God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them."
Yoga literally means union. Yoking. Holy Yoga is about yoking ourselves to Jesus in such ways that it disrupts those attachments, clears your mind of clutter, and makes space for our heart to be filled by the Spirit. Empties our hands and readies us for the things our Good Father wants to give.
The practice of yoga is like a cultivating prayer space. Experience the Lord space. Get in your body and find peace space. Feel a homecoming like never before space.
It provides a threshold into the unseen parts of yourself - a diverted path from our lists, need-to-do's, compulsions... and to a cleared sightline to the Lord.
Yoga is simply preparation for prayer. It is stilling your water, unplugging from auto pilot compulsions, readying yourself to move from the external world to the internal world where you can spend time with Jesus.
Key Words: Counseling Christian Spiritual Eating Disorders, Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Emotional Eating, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, obsessive compulsive, Grief Counseling, Infertility, Chronic Pain, Yoga Therapy, Trauma, Relationships, Transitions, Body Image, Exercise Addiction, Spiritual Direction, Clinical supervision, Self Image, Self Esteem, Therapy, Mental Health, Psychotherapy, Couples Counseling, Marriage Counseling,